From garden to table | A Couple Cooks Podcast Episode 18

A Couple Cooks Podcast | Episode 18

Ending world hunger is not the typical 17-year old’s top priority, but Katie Stagliano is not the typical 17-year old! Join us as we learn about the non-profit Katie started to inspire growing vegetable gardens all over the country. Plus, our favorite addicting Italian soup chock full of vegetables, and a few tips on growing herbs.


Italian Vegetable and Gnocchi soup


How to grow herbs

And a video


Katie’s Krops

Ichiban japanese eggplant

Some of our favorite cabbage recipes: Peanut Noodles with Napa Cabbage, Roasted Cabbage Wedge Salad, Cabbage and Apples


Fresh Food Matters


Sub-Zero will donate $5 up to $25,000 to Katie’s Krops for every hashtag with #freshfoodmatters. Join us!