This wild rice salad recipe is simple and bursting with flavor, with crunchy veggies, pecans, cranberries, a zingy dressing, and feta cheese!
*You can use any package marked “wild rice blend” that contains a mix of wild rice with other types of rice, including brown, red and black. Cooking instructions may vary depending on the brand, so use the timing and liquid specified on the package if it differs from this recipe.
**If all you have is pure wild rice, you can use that too. Use 2 1/2 cups water instead of 1 3/4. Simmer 45 to 50 minutes, until the rice is split and tender. (Most of the grains will split, but not all: see the photo.) If not, continue to cook until most grains are split, adding more water if necessary. When the rice is cooked, drain excess liquid.
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