In a small bowl, crack the eggs. Whisk vigorously together with the kosher salt, dill, pepper and water until frothy and all egg whites are incorporated.
Heat the olive oil in a small 8-inch non-stick skillet over medium heat. When the olive oil is shimmering, add the eggs and cook for 2 minutes without stirring. Shake the pan a bit to continue evenly cooking the eggs as they start to set.
When egg is almost set, push a side of the omelette towards the center to allow any uncooked egg to drain underneath and cook. Add the salmon, feta, and then chives on half of the circle of egg. Gently fold the other half over the top (you can leave some of the filling exposed as shown). Cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute until the egg is fully cooked. Use a spatula to carefully remove it to a plate and eat immediately.