In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine all of the ingredients above. Mix the ingredients with a spatula until a rough ball forms. (Or, mix the ingredients together by hand, then knead for about 10 minutes until a dough forms. Skip to Step 3).
Attach the dough hook of the mixer and turn on the mixer at its lowest setting. Slowly raise the speed to medium, adding more water or flour as necessary to form a dough that is just slightly sticky. Knead for 6 minutes at medium speed.
When the kneading is complete, remove the dough hook. Place the bowl in a warm spot, cover it with a towel, and wait until it has doubled in size, about 45 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 500°F along with a pizza stone, if available. Separate the dough into 8 equal parts and shape each section into a small ball.
On a lightly floured work surface, roll each dough ball into a circle using a rolling pin. The circle should be about ⅛ to ¼ inches thick and about 7 inches in diameter. Let rest for 15 minutes.
When ready to bake, place 4 dough circles in the oven on the pizza stone, or directly on the oven rack. Bake until the dough puffs up and is pale golden, about 2 minutes on one side. Using tongs, flip and bake for 1 to 2 more minutes on the other side.
Remove the pita from the oven, gently compress the puffed bread, and place on a plate covered with a tea towel. Bake the other 4 pita breads. Then wrap all pitas in the towel and place in a bag for about 15 minutes to capture the steam and allow for a naturally soft and chewy pita. If desired, after baking you can freeze the pita rounds in a sealed plastic bag.