
French Press Cold Brew

Coffee drinks
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An easy way to make coffee? French press cold brew! Here’s how to make cold brew in a French press and the ratio for the best smooth flavor.




  1. Grind the coffee: Grind the coffee to a medium coarse grind.
  2. Mix coffee grounds and water: Add the coffee grounds and water to the French press. Stir several times with a spoon.
  3. Refrigerate 24 hours: Cover the pitcher with plastic wrap or foil, and refrigerate for 24 hours. (You can cover it with the top but the plunger must be up, making it difficult to fit in most refrigerators.)
  4. Plunge and strain: Place the lid on the French press and slowly press the plunger all the way down. Pour the cold brew concentrate into a large glass jar or pitcher. Store refrigerated up to 1 week.
  5. Serve: To serve, dilute 1/2 cup cold brew with 1/2 cup water or milk. If serving with ice, use the ice with 1/2 cup cold brew concentrate with 1/4 cup water.


*Filtered water makes the best flavor; we use this water filter pitcher.